Sunday, July 7, 2013

Brand: MAC + Stila + RMK + Alima: $35 for everything here + shipping

MAC left to right:
1) Mineralized Skin Finish - Medium Dark  2x  $10
Pending 2) Mineralized Skin Finish - Brunette 2x           $15
3) Mineralized Blush - Intenso           2x           $10
MAC  (top left, clockwise):
1) Mineralized Eyeshadow - Word of Mouth 2x  $5
2) Xmas Palette Fascinating Ruby 6 Smoky Eyes 90% left   $10
(the huge faux gem fell off, so I replaced it with a kitten sticker)
Pending 3) Eyeliner - Raven    75% left  $5 (or free if you purchase any other MAC item listed on this page, first come first serve)
4) Mineral Eyeshadow - Teutonic    80%   $5

more pics
Stila (clockwise from top left):
1) Spring colour Trio   80%   $5
2) Stila Blush (forgot the colour) 1x   $5
3) Stila Baked Eyeshadow Trio   90%  $5
4) Stila Custom Palette (forgot the colours) most 80~85% at least $10

RMK (don't remember the names) $10 each
Left:  Each colour swatched 1-2x
Right: Each colour swatched 3-4x

Bare Mineral:
Eyeshadow powders
$5 for all four
Alima (please enlarge picture to see the names):
$5 for all four

Tested 2-3x
Alima Eyeshadows:
$5 for both (from a Valentine's day collection... one is called Bonbon I think?)
Tested 1x

That's it on this section!

Please feel free to check here for terms and conditions of sale and shipping info.
Do not hesitate to email me if you have any questions!

Thanks for reading! :)

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